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Application Questions and Answers «Events»

6 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
04.01.2021, 14:50
Abnormal delay with email parser
Here is the task https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/32236/edit/ Which was created based on the event https://baza.cn.ua/admin/issue/addmail...
4 answer
20.12.2020, 16:45
How to choose Alpha name when sending SMS through "My Events"?
Hello! Tell me, how to choose an Alpha name when sending sms through the "My events" section? Maybe there are some settings? There is no ...
1 answer
15.11.2020, 13:49
The letter is displayed 2 times in the My Events section
In the BP at the stage, the automatic action Send notification by email is set. In the My events section, the letter is displayed 2 times: with a s...