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Application Questions and Answers «Mail»

5 replies
05.06.2023, 15:02
It takes a very long time to send letters
Good day Letters are sent at best once an hour, can you see why? https://orc-test.kiev.ua/
4 answer
26.05.2023, 17:21
microsoft mail not working
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/imap-new/settings/ Mail is not working mybroker@univer.ua There was an incoming letter but there is no letter in t...
Email notifications
I tried to implement sending notifications to customers by email about their orders. In the list to whom to send, the client indicated, as in the s...
8 replies
01.05.2023, 11:51
microsoft mail not working
Here is a revision https://1b.app/ru/forum/mail-management-solutions/16572-pochta-microsoft/ Mail is not working now Perhaps this is due to movin...
Sending letters
There was such a problem. It is necessary to select a substring from a variable containing a string, on a template for sending messages by mail. {|...
3 answer
06.03.2023, 12:37
Emails and SMS from CRM have stopped being sent
Emails from CRM stopped being sent SMS are also not sent and the payments also stopped increasing
10 replies
01.03.2023, 18:38
gmail does not connect
Congratulations! I am asking for help, it is not possible to connect the postal address to the box The settings are as follows It is surprising...
2 answer
Personal license
01.03.2023, 11:12
Mail Integration Connection Assessment
There is mail on a custom domain (for example, sales7@concordpaper.com ) created at https://webmail.adm.tools/ Please evaluate the connection of ...
3 answer
21.02.2023, 16:01
microsoft mail
As of January 1st, 2023, Microsoft has disabled imap smtp. Here is a new way to connect https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer...
6 replies
17.02.2023, 14:18
Emails are not sent from box
Good afternoon Letters from boxing are not sent. The Gmail box is connected, the integration is configured, the testing line is green, everything i...