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Application Questions and Answers «Documents»

2 answer
08.03.2021, 11:51
The document is not created according to the template.
I live! Є BP - https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/customorder/oplati/33838/edit/ Є document template - https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/shop/document/t...
2 answer
05.03.2021, 19:12
Doesn't create document after update
Error adding document. Dmitry Valentinovich, you must fill in at least one of the two fields: Document name and/or Document template. I'm tryin...
4 answer
02.03.2021, 12:57
does not create documents in pdf
stopped creating documents in pdf, in the documents section. saves in xls and doc format, in pdf when saving or opening in a browser just an empty ...
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 19:50
finalize the variable for documents for unloading products by condition
it is necessary to modify the variable for documents, with the help of which it is possible to unload the fields of products in which the value of ...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
01.03.2021, 17:48
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkmark "display additional documents from subprocesses"
Modify the "Document Viewer" block - add a checkbox "display additional documents from subprocesses", when enabled, all documen...
2 answer
25.02.2021, 15:56
The header and footer is not displayed correctly in the document
Document template 12 has headers and footers configured. When creating a document, headers and footers are displayed incorrectly. This appeared aft...
2 answer
25.02.2021, 11:26
Does not correctly pull data into the document.
Document Template 65 The data from the fields {customOrder_master42} and {customOrder_ktopostavlyaet82} are pulled in numerical. And there should b...
3 answer
21.02.2021, 21:27
Attach the generated document to the letter
Good afternoon tell me how to send a letter from the process with the documents made earlier in this process (invoice or invoice) so that you do no...
1 answer
19.02.2021, 11:17
Advice on access to delete certain document templates
In the access rights settings, it is possible to delete documents or not https://prnt.sc/100n8d5 But this is only for all documents. You can custom...
Wrong data is inserted into document when creating document
Good afternoon! We create an additional field of the business process with the "Contact Directory" data type, insert a variable into the ...