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Application Questions and Answers «Remove data»

4 answer
14.12.2023, 10:37
Order a one-time cleaning of system memory
Hello! Please invoice for a one-time cleaning of system memory https://box1.luxshina.ua/desktop/ Important cleaning points are listed below: Clear ...
3 answer
15.09.2023, 09:33
Need to clean MVP
Good day. Colleagues, please help. Who can clean the MVP, slow down the monster...
3 answer
04.08.2023, 09:28
Out of disk space
Displays an error that the disk space has probably run out. Although in fact there is still about 40% free space. And the second question is how to...
7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.09.2022, 11:49
Evaluate the additional addendum or remove Contact with your hands
Appreciate, be kind. 1. It is necessary to supplement the residual contacts of Contacts from the data base. 2. Otherwise, evaluate the contact dist...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
26.09.2022, 17:00
Does the application delete contacts from the database
Please let me know if this paid app deletes contacts from the system that we have deleted and which are also taking up space on the server and are ...
13 replies
23.09.2022, 09:04
Data is not cleared
A couple of days ago they bought and made an addition for the purification of data, but the data will not be cleansed. Also, they did not know the ...
10 replies
05.07.2022, 20:49
Add the ability to clear the payment history.
Hello, tell me, how much will it cost to add automation for clearing remote payments once a day?
4 answer
Crons hung after trying to clear data and reboot
Good day everyone, There was a problem - after trying to delete old data using the "Data Cleanup" application, a number of problems occur...
2 answer
22.01.2022, 22:31
How to understand the cost of the application
Welcome to the "data wipe" app. 1. How to understand from the information in the description of the application its cost. 2. Where the te...
3 answer
10.01.2022, 07:59
Probably running out of disk space
Good day. Run out of space, can you clean it up? Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused in /var/www/m...