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Application Questions and Answers «CRM»

Bug when counting
Good day. I have a problem with calculating the formula. We have some operations with imports, and when we perform a currency conversion, the addit...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.01.2024, 18:19
Incorrectly counts the number in the created filters in SRM
Good afternoon, we noticed that the number of processes is not counted correctly if a filter is created when displaying the "SRM" view. If you swit...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
06.12.2023, 15:29
Correction, you need to hide the status of the process if there are no tasks
Good day, please evaluate the update so that the statuses of processes for which the user has no tasks are hidden in CRM. https://owwa.crm-onebox....
4 answer
05.07.2023, 23:35
filtering does not work
Good day https://orc-test.kiev.ua/app/workflowtype-sto/ there is a field "STO performers" this is a multi-list contact field, it is filled in all p...
12 replies
23.05.2023, 22:21
Copy data and settings from one 1box to another
It is necessary to copy all data and settings from https://mobicase.biz/admin/ to https://mobicasebox.1b.app/ The existing data in https://mobicase...
1 answer
19.02.2023, 10:10
Installing an SSL certificate
Good day. You need to install an SSL certificate on box.traier-ukraine.com.ua
3 answer
ТОРГОБОРУД начальник відділу зі збуту
16.02.2023, 10:15
Saving filters fly away
for example, in the led section, I choose a display method, I use it during the day, but with a certain periodicity this method independently chang...
By UkrPoshta, orders do not pass by status
By UkrPoshta, orders do not pass by status !!! When the message was accepted, it should have changed to the "Sent" status Fix it!!!! Orde...
2 answer
02.11.2022, 15:19
Bug when creating a process
When creating a process, there is a system field with a drop-down list of processes where we can create an entity. Closing this field causes a bug.
2 answer
24.10.2022, 12:40
You can see the code in kanban
In kanban https://icf.1b.app/app/crm/?ok=1 after transferring the process from one stage to the next, in the field with type Text html, you can see...