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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
30.04.2024, tuesday, 16:17
Evaluate the possibility of implementing the refinement of the bar coding function
It is necessary to create a separate program in which you can read the bar code of the product using the phone's camera and it is possible to see i...
5 replies
29.04.2024, monday, 17:22
Unsent messages #2
Previous topic (in short, "it is not clear from the interface of the paid box application that the message was not delivered to the client") https...
3 answer
You need to clean up space on the server (delete unnecessary files and logs)
Now it's like this Please issue an invoice https://akmp.com.ua/app/system-statistic/
2 answer
29.04.2024, monday, 14:11
The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Good afternoon, please help me solve the problem: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
9 replies
There is a problem with setting up the export of goods
Good day, https://autopartex.1b.app/app/horoshop/ Please help with setting up the export of goods to the site. Currently, an error occurs whe...
1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.04.2024, 13:30
The action that transfers the status from the Box to the Socket stopped working. Gives an error
http://prntscr.com/DtVSq-hFnkxO Maybe the problem is that the statuses in Rosetta are in Ukrainian, and in Box in Moscow? https://sellerhelp.rozetk...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.04.2024, 12:17
The process TTN number search has stopped working
Good afternoon, recently the search was working correctly, but currently we cannot find an order through a global search by specifying the TTN numb...
1 answer
24.04.2024, 21:15
Error 500 when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, it gives an error of 500, it is not clear what is wrong. When switching to a stage, the procedure that sends a request ...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.04.2024, 18:35
Carriers testing the system to cover their own needs
https://youtu.be/aUW5NOFMb-4 To carriers testing the system: Here are some important tasks on your side: - create new rolling stock units - cre...
detailing sales reports
I have a big problem for a long time, is it possible to solve it? these are report details. many reports give data per period as an amount, and I n...