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Application Questions and Answers «»

Sent email access
Sent email access. How quickly can an invoice be sent? So that we pay and you update the version
5 replies
04.06.2021, 10:45
Calculate the cost of revision
The selector should be direct links to pages, and not something like a javascript photo in an attachment That is: for each page of the site, in the...
1 answer
04.06.2021, 10:01
You need to disable the mobile version of the site
You need to disable the mobile version of the site, and redirect to the main one
2015802882 - Added a setting to the action "Generic Import Products (xml/json)"
For the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)", the setting "Clear additional product fields and summarize for further pro...
2015805796 - Added action "Delete all inventory balances and inventory history of products"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Delete all inventory balances and inventory history of products". The action deletes all warehou...
2015804744 - "Switch the owner depending on the role"
Added settings for the "Switch responsible depending on role" action: - allow the action to be triggered every N minutes; - change the re...
2015805220 - Added a setting to the action "Universal Import Products (xml/json)"
For the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)", the setting "Conditions for replacing text in a file before processing it&...
3 answer
TTN is not transferred to the order for Prom
Good afternoon! The action "PromUA / Save the delivery declaration number of the current process" does not transfer the TTN to the order ...
OneBox update
Please update my OneBox to the latest version
1 answer
03.06.2021, 15:36
Filter by the supplier from which the goods were received
You can make a filter in the balances in warehouses by the supplier from which the goods were received Now it filters by the supplier that is spec...