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Application Questions and Answers «»

5 replies
09.08.2021, 16:46
new delivery method
A new delivery method has appeared https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/delivery/15/edit/ Help me find where? Socket integration - creating new ways is...
8 replies
09.08.2021, 15:24
Unable to add main image to product.
Unable to add main image to product. https://bobrdobr2.crm-onebox.com/app/product/70/edit/#done Video: https://youtu.be/NOdStQPu9xE In the develope...
2 answer
09.08.2021, 15:03
Loading add. images from opencart
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ There are 2 images in the opencart order In the import action, the setting "If in the ...
5 replies
09.08.2021, 14:33
Product not updating after loading price list
Good afternoon. There is a product https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/admin/shop/products/914144/supplier/ which allegedly is not available , but i...
2 answer
Access permissions_access to process steps not working
https://sweetanok.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/permissions/3227/ - installed I come under the user - there is an access to a stage. Lets edit, etc. W...
application integration
good afternoon. unable to set up integration with facebook messenger, gives an error when setting up webhooks
1 answer
09.08.2021, 13:13
Domain change
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ Boxing is located on the vanbox domain, the client wants to change to his one4box.com domain The client will provi...
504 Error!!! The problem has become more frequent
Good afternoon. Knocks out a 504 error when we transfer 50 orders to the status "!!!Pack Drop". It used to be once every 3 weeks, but now...
22 answer
09.08.2021, 12:44
Product statuses
Good afternoon, please tell me how to transfer the status of the product "on order" to the product card on opencard
11 replies
09.08.2021, 12:06
The ability to bulk populate an additional category field is required
Hello! The ability to import category data is required. For example, by analogy with the import of goods, so that you can download a file where one...