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Application Questions and Answers «»

CHECKBOX. Error. No check is created.
Good day. Need help from technical support. After replacing the EPC key, checks are not generated. I keep getting the message: "Invalid access toke...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.02.2024, 11:53
BUG: Variables with Prices in document templates took off
How IT WAS: There are products with a price based on the quantity, which we fix in the block: Setting prices Invoices were created and the co...
Bug when counting
Good day. I have a problem with calculating the formula. We have some operations with imports, and when we perform a currency conversion, the addit...
8 replies
13.02.2024, 14:12
Filter by group
Tell me how to filter contact groups in contact reports?
3 answer
13.02.2024, 12:36
Is it possible to parse with XML?
Hello. Can you parse only from Google Doc or also from XML files and links? A
how to get successful purchases or customer rating in box with prom??
There is a successful buyer rating in the promotion https://prnt.sc/xRHjwJSX2Vk6 what action can be taken to get this data? in proma it is 91% tsaf...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.02.2024, 21:02
Please suggest https://t.me/crmibp to your friends, colleagues, Suppliers and Customers to subscribe.
Friends, you will help me a lot to develop my Telegram channel Here's a link to it that you can share right now. https://t.me/crmibp As you can ...
Optimize site performance
We need to increase the performance of opening a product card on the website This is the product card block PageSpeed ​​Insights shows on average 4...
1 answer
12.02.2024, 17:56
Adding Product Color
When adding a new color to products, it gives an error
3 answer
12.02.2024, 15:59
In the calendar pop-up window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages
When opened in a popup window, the chat does not scroll down to new messages. When you open a process in a separate tab, new messages are immediate...