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Application Questions and Answers «»

Attach the company's property to the employee.
Is it somehow possible to secure the property purchased by the company for its activities by the employee? Considered 2 options. The first - using ...
The action_Importing processes based on Smart Cash receipts does not work
Good afternoon From 17.10 the action "Import processes based on receipts" stopped working https://rozumm.1b.app/app/smartkasa/ Perhaps this is due ...
BUG_ Action Monobank Receiving balance
Using this action we want to get the current account balance Currently we get this balance https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/payments/settings/acc...
1 answer
24.10.2023, 12:07
today, subprocesses stopped being created through "send to >> create a process with selected clients"
Good day. today, subprocesses stopped being created due to "send to >> create a process with selected clients" The system says OK, but no subproces...
2 answer
24.10.2023, 10:38
the global search term on the main page has expired
Good day. Global search on the main page has expired. Yesterday was... 1 Tell me the basis for such changes and why you were not warned in the firs...
5 replies
23.10.2023, 13:05
An error occurred when creating the invoice
Today, this error, which is on the screenshot, started to appear. Before that, nothing was changed in the settings, today I added a value for this...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.10.2023, 12:39
Today, a bug appeared when saving a field with a hyperlink
Good day, We use automation in the client's card "Fill the field of the contact card based on the formula", save the text Open in the field Bef...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.10.2023, 12:33
Deployed the system, but not all applications from the basic donor box were installed
Registered a new box for people When deploying, I copied the settings from the base system to it At first, it was not possible to log in, becau...
3 answer
Is there an active vendor setting for the last transaction?
Tell me, is it possible to change the active supplier of the product to the one from whom the shoes were last purchased?
1 answer
23.10.2023, 10:17
Integration with opencart
Good day. Help me understand automation. It doesn’t update or add new products to opencart (it doesn’t want a photo either) (Once an hour). All ...