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permission settings for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests

Good afternoon, please tell me a question about OneBox OS API v2 (I can't find it in the description).
1. Where is the permission setting for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests?
2. By default, API requests for API v1 and API v2 work for authorization only by "login" and "password" for any IP address?
thank you
Original question is available on version: ua


Good afternoon. There are no such settings, the api is available from any IP.
If you want to specify a list of IPs from which you can access the api, you can modify it. About 3h for apiv2, about 5h for v1
27.05.2024, 14:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Poltorak Sergii
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How can you not take this question as an investment?
30.05.2024, 11:32
Original comment available on version: ua

I don't see the value of investing in the old version of api v1.
Try also using IP access for the employee under whom the API is used, it may not allow the user to log in if the user has a list of available IPs specified in the settings
30.05.2024, 12:07
Original comment available on version: ru

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