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Application Questions and Answers «»

3 answer
27.12.2021, 11:30
Evaluate the refinement of the SMS status display
We send SMS, but their status is not clear, sent or some kind of error. Example https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/smslog/ If you open the client...
3 answer
Refinement of the action to receive the balance in warehouses
WB has this method https://suppliers-stats.wildberries.ru/api/v1/supplier/stocks? Where {"lastChangeDate":"2021-12-27T03:14:17.71&qu...
How to close the additional product field for some Employees?
There is a product card and information on the supplier in it, there is a need to hide this Additional Field for most employees. This is the Test H...
2015876746 - Added filter by contacts
Added contact filter "Show only contacts filtered by processes" - allows you to work with a selection of process clients filtered by a ce...
2015876041 - Improved integration functionality with Justin
Added setting "Dispatch description template" for Justin app.
2015876751 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export balances by barcodes to json for the price platform kasta.ua"
For the action "Export balances by barcodes to json for the kasta.ua price platform", the setting "Upload only products that meet th...
2 answer
26.12.2021, 21:34
Import products from XLSX file
When importing products from the XLSX file https://ukrpromspec.com.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/ loads the first 20 lines from the file. Alt...
Document template variable product name in English
Setting up an Invoice template, please help with variables There is a product name in English, (multilanguage is configured in the product, the nam...
3 answer
25.12.2021, 20:23
Displaying information in search results
Please tell me where are the settings for displaying fields in the search results, by products and BP.
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.12.2021, 19:16
How to massively innovate all processes starting from the very first
Є processes 500 pcs. https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/?fromfilterproductcustomnalozhkap48=&...