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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
15.01.2022, 13:22
Grant access to the forum
shapad2@gmail.com on this mail you need to generate and send access to the forum
1 answer
15.01.2022, 12:05
Service issue in Checkbox
Good afternoon! Is there an action that allows you to make an official cash withdrawal from the cash register to the Checkbox before closing the sh...
4 answer
15.01.2022, 11:49
Finalization of the action send a message to Viber
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement of the "Send a Viber message" action, namely: adding the setting "Do not send a Viber me...
1 answer
15.01.2022, 10:40
Send access to personal account
OneBox client Yuri His mail is 4dar.com.ua@gmail.com, please change to Dikorosua@gmail.com And send the client access to the personal account
8 replies
15.01.2022, 09:13
OS - Question - Accounts
The menu with invoices is always displayed. But it is not necessary to work with transactions. Is it possible to make it collapse or turn off when ...
6 replies
14.01.2022, 15:50
Evaluate the payment order
Є nalashtuvannya for procedures, schob stinks spratsovuvali when adding payment: https://take.ms/3nWYK Evaluate the additional payment in order to ...
20 replies
14.01.2022, 15:48
New mail - default number of places 1
https://rivcont.info/2684785/ - you can test here We want that by default in all TTNs the number of places would be 1. Now: - "Use volumetric ...
8 replies
Hello, you need to update the https://vetzoopla.net/ box to the green MVP version. Thanks
2 answer
14.01.2022, 13:20
When transmitting via api, a response was received Error when calling the context method (ReadJSON) [code] => 500
Good afternoon. process https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/customorder/rutinnie-prodazhi/3464723/edit/ at the first stage, which he entered https://crm.hlr.u...
4 answer
14.01.2022, 13:08
End of ssl certificate
You need to install ssl letiscript with auto-renewal for the domain https://nudefood.crm-onebox.com/ How much is it ?