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Application Questions and Answers «»

6 replies
30.08.2021, 17:38
Question about a paid task
Good afternoon! Please provide an answer for this issue. It just weighs a very long time, and the revision is very necessary https://crm-onebox.com...
3 answer
30.08.2021, 17:19
Incorrectly writes off bonuses
In the process https://ckbox.online/admin/customorder/kpi-i-oklad/41842/edit/, when you go to the "Make tax write-offs" stage, the system...
1 answer
30.08.2021, 17:01
Access to the product card
Good afternoon, tell me please, is it possible to partially limit the product card for an employee? It is necessary to give access to the storekeep...
23 answer
30.08.2021, 16:16
Long loading times for the Customer Balance, Receivables and Liabilities report
After the update failed (https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/server-installation/10451-obnovite-pozhaluysta... the download time of the https://...
1 answer
30.08.2021, 15:58
OS: I choose "write off the process", and it offers "to trade"
in the process, I choose "write off the process": https://take.ms/zsbM6 boxing offers to trade: https://take.ms/tjK3M as a result, it sti...
3 answer
30.08.2021, 15:03
Error when displaying the balance in the balance change report by warehouses
There is a report https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/23/view/?datefrom=&date...
1 answer
30.08.2021, 14:57
Remove reserve when changing options
Example https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2076416/edit/ There is an order, there is a product in it. The item has 2 ex...
2 answer
30.08.2021, 14:29
Fix action "Add products from one process to another"
Hello! There is an action at the stages "Add products from one process to another" and all possible variants of the conditions for taking...
6 replies
You need to update the box to the latest version of MVP
There is a box https://omegacrm.opbx.ml/dashboard/ You need to update it to the latest version of MVP - the Revolution version is now installed
2 answer
30.08.2021, 14:08
Please update box
Please restart the nightly update of boxing. You wrote that there was a failure. We are currently working, there are no integrations and crowns do ...