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Application Questions and Answers «»

6 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
13.10.2021, 20:16
Please decide
Here is the task https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/10878-ne-srabativaet-deystv... No reaction 1. Please give a solution 2. Or de...
11 replies
incorrectly calculates date difference
Here is an example process https://panel.darium.com.ua/admin/customorder/protsenti/243353/edit/ Here is the setting (at the stage) Checks 2 dates h...
4 answer
13.10.2021, 16:08
Reports and lx
Is it possible to display in the LC reports that are created through the report designer? If not, how many hours does it take to implement?
5 replies
13.10.2021, 16:05
The utm-referrer field and its limitations
This field accepts 256 characters. I'm from this link, I get utm-values by parameters with a regular regular. (usually utm-source at the very ...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
13.10.2021, 15:43
OS - in comparison with other business management systems
Good day everyone :) the question is probably more to Maxim Miroshnichenko. Somewhere you can see a deep analysis of the cost of ownership of OneBo...
4 answer
View of tabs in the browser
Good afternoon, in the picture http://prntscr.com/1vzb25i the view of the tabs in the browser: tabs -mvp on the left, OS on the right. From the tab...
The action of updating the purchase price according to the warehouse operation does not work
There is a procedure for saving (Fig. 1) for example order https://box.criamo.com/1300797/ (pic 2) There, everything is set manually to 100 UAH o...
2 answer
13.10.2021, 12:14
OS - Bug - Price setting
can't close the window
8 replies
disable the required field ""name"
In the CPM application when creating a new PSU A window pops up in which you must fill in the required field "TITLE" question: How can ...
4 answer
13.10.2021, 11:58
OS - Improvement - Products table, images
Please add the ability to choose what size the picture will be in the list. Now, because of the pictures, the list is too huge. Often you need to s...