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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
07.06.2022, 13:37
Does not return goods to the warehouse
Supplier order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/order/2172291/edit/ There were 3 pieces Created a sub-process for return 1 https://crm.meb...
4 answer
07.06.2022, 12:10
Prohibit adding a specific Supplier to a specific product
Good afternoon. Tell me if there is such functionality - you need to prohibit the installation of a certain supplier for certain products. The prob...
3 answer
The system gives a 500 error when entering all chats
http://yakoby.asia/admin/messenger-chat/ Error repeats from time to time
10 replies
Good afternoon, how to understand if the connection is established? Rest API is registered, in the Wookomers plugin in the Api tab, a working key i...
2015900068 - Applied to the block of the remaining business processes of the client
In the block of the rest of the client's business processes, an adjustment was added "For locking, sort the processes by the date of creat...
2015899411 - Added the ability to edit the process in PDF through the client's office
In the client's office, the possibility of editing the process in PDF has been added. For whom, "Button to friend (PDF)" appeared in ...
3 answer
06.06.2022, 21:25
Link products from the vendor process to the current process
Good day Once again, run "Link products from the supplier process to the current process, if there are enough of them" https://orc-test.k...
2 answer
06.06.2022, 19:41
I can't figure out how to integrate instagram into srm
3 answer
06.06.2022, 17:44
How does the Viber share number button work?
In the settings of the Viber button control application, it is possible to configure the action to share the phone number . Tell me exactly how th...
1 answer
06.06.2022, 17:07
How to load "price settings" for a price level?
I have a price level and I need price settings for this level It can be configured like this How can I download these settings via excel? In the ...