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Application Questions and Answers «»

2 answer
25.07.2022, 17:40
Add app buttons
Please consider adding the function "disable the display of buttons for adding a new application", or even better, remove them in princip...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 17:28
Bug lists in Contacts
If you select a value from the list once and click the "save" checkbox on this field, then everything is ok. But if after that you open t...
6 replies
25.07.2022, 17:25
Please help with solving the problem. Unable to reset interface to default. The standard interface has 2 tabs. I'm trying to remove all interfa...
10 replies
25.07.2022, 17:13
non-clickable icons
application icons are not clicked or launched in the saunapro.1b.app onebox cabinet at the same time, in the next tab in the sptest2.1b.app office,...
4 answer
25.07.2022, 16:59
Next field by pressing TAB
https://1b.app/ru/forum/interface/2109-dobavit-vozmozhnost-na-ves-boks---tab/ Tell me, please, will it appear in the future or is it possible to im...
5 replies
Please restore the MVP box for 10 licenses + template Template23
Good day. We bought a boxed solution for 10 licenses + 1 license with the "Template23" software module [paid according to invoice No. 201...
1 answer
IT Deo
25.07.2022, 14:26
API v2
Pass the product measurement unit to the api/v2/product/set/ method. I tried using the "unit" and "measure" fields, it doesn&#3...
How to sort the dropdown list taken from the directory? Basic sorting by id is not always convenient.
3 answer
25.07.2022, 13:47
API v2 - pass process currency
It is necessary to transfer data according to the currency of the process, and the curencyid field itself, earlier in API v.1, was out of the blue,...
1 answer
Personal license
25.07.2022, 13:31
Delay with automatic response (transition to a stage) in the BP of telegrams
Good afternoon. The client has configured BP for working with Telegram chat https://ap-messages.1b.app/app/workflow/2/constructor/ At the "Cla...