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Application Questions and Answers «»

It is NOT possible to find an order by order number
Good day. We encountered the following problem: when searching for an order in CRM, some of them are not found by order number. Although they can b...
Bug with comments
When writing a comment in the description of the business process, after pressing the @ symbol, a list of data is displayed, when selecting them, t...
2 answer
How to install 2 telegram apps in box?
Do you need to install and connect 2 api keys from the bot in the TG, and display them in one chat window in the box? Box writes an error: An error...
3 answer
How to make friends chat with facebook messenger and telegram?
How to make friends chat with facebook messenger and telegram? Messages come only in Facebook messenger, how to make them appear in the chat and au...
1 answer
Kyivstar calls are not displayed in applications
Good day. We set up integration with Kyivstar provider in ONEBOX OS. Created users and configured access in applications. All settings for integrat...
Sending letters
There was such a problem. It is necessary to select a substring from a variable containing a string, on a template for sending messages by mail. {|...
3 answer
26.04.2023, 11:52
The procedure is not performed when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, there is an option to run a procedure for another business process (if I understand correctly) https://sambag.crm-onebo...
1 answer
26.04.2023, 11:04
how to delete production / product
did the production wrong. Now I need to delete and get everything back. but writes that I can not delete because the goods are involved in other wa...
How to clear the value in the product card through xlsx import?
The task in the product cards is to clear the fields "External id" and "Model range (series, collection)" How to do it in bulk? Tried through xls...
2 answer
26.04.2023, 09:19
The workflow export-import function from a JSON file does not work correctly
When creating a new business process by using the "export-import workflow from JSON file" functionality, one of the interface settings is not trans...