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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
12.02.2021, 10:43
Improved "hide discount in cart" action
Good afternoon, paid for the revision of the action on 08.02 on this account Can you tell me when the update will be ready?
1 answer
Improvement of "sending messages to esputnik"
It is necessary to estimate how many hours it will take to make a refinement that would allow you to send viber messages esputnik We have such (scr...
1 answer
Evaluate the finalization of the distribution of payments by categories
Cron action required once per hour Which would check all payments that do not yet have a payment category + the description field is filled in (com...
1 answer
12.02.2021, 09:25
Bonus system
Good afternoon! We have set up a bonus system for drops in your personal account works like this 1 order=10 bonuses Bonuses are credited immediatel...
Improved the functionality of the action “Fill in the task or contact field”
For the action “Fill in the task or contact field”, the ability to use both ordinary variables and smarty to form a value has been added. Usage exa...
2015740390 - Improved functionality of the "Import Products from Google Sheets" action
For the automatic action once a minute "Import products from Google spreadsheets", the setting "Search products by barcode instead o...
2015743322 - Improved action "Export products in YML format"
For the "Export products in YML format" action, the setting "If the product has additional categories, copy the offer product tag an...
2015743679 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment"
For the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment", the setting "Only consider comment from&q...
2015743679 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment"
For the action "Switch to the stage depending on the results of the search for a comment", the setting "Only consider comment from&q...
2015743638 - Improved the functionality of the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data"
For the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data", the ability to select the lookup field "id ...