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Application Questions and Answers «»

Znov Pardon in the order showing all products sold and stock unsold 1 item
Good day. After a pardon, trying to correct Pardoning the goods is not write-offs of warehouse operations, but in the tables of sales Delete don&#3...
5 replies
15.02.2021, 11:50
Printing barcodes/price tags
https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/ Price tag template https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/pricecode/templates/1/control/ Example https://marie...
2 answer
15.02.2021, 11:48
Turbo sms not working
Hello! Just noticed that Turbosms is not working. There is money in the account. The box shows that the SMS has been sent, but in the Turbosms pers...
1 answer
15.02.2021, 11:29
Fix action names
Please correct the errors in the name of the action "Change contact person from additional process fields" as there are problems finding ...
3 answer
Question about the operation of the action Refresh process
We have an action "Update process" on the stage, which allows you to restart the actions on the stage at a given time. The question is: w...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.02.2021, 09:27
Urgently, a bug in the "Product Search" field
Good afternoon, this morning we encountered a bug: when you enter any information in the product search field, a dashboard is displayed instead of ...
2015741404 - The functionality of the client cabinet has been improved
Added setting "Hide final discount" to the "Cart block" of the personal account interface
22 answer
14.02.2021, 17:41
Displaying prices in the product card through the global search menu
Hello! Can you tell me if it is possible to set up the display of the product price in the global search card, so that the price currency is displa...
2 answer
14.02.2021, 14:07
Orders with prom are not taken
Urgently need help to restore the system to full capacity. From Saturday evening (02/13/2021) orders from prom. crm.smartid.com.ua
18 replies
complete the action Set the deadline for the stage
I would like to set not the duration of the stage, but the time before. for example until 11:00 or until 23:00