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Application Questions and Answers «»

1 answer
LC registration page
https://partstore.crm-onebox.com/client/registration/ - to this block add a setting: set the text of the message after the fact of registration. H...
2 answer
Refinement of integration with good
Tell me, you need to give api in Okop the value of the fields: title (ua), title (ru), Short description (ua), Short description (en), Product desc...
10 replies
16.03.2021, 11:44
Multilingual not working
The site was translated into Ukrainian, but after switching to the new version, the blocks on the "Main Page" of the luxshina.ua site beg...
1 answer
16.03.2021, 11:39
Universal block
I live! Not all business processes have a churning / churning of a universal block. Apply: https://box.esmile.com.ua/admin/customorder/klinika/4021...
7 replies
16.03.2021, 11:13
Integration not working
ts.crm-onebox.com I can't get the api/storage-translocation/product/updatebalance/ method to work post request. If all parameters are passed in...
5 replies
Do you provide a server service?
Good afternoon! The client was on hosting in one company and wants to change, tell me, do you provide such a service? What's the price? What is...
2 answer
16.03.2021, 10:29
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! We have a number of contact groups , all of them mean the size of the discount on the product. We made that the discount depends o...
4 answer
16.03.2021, 10:23
Dopfield Process
Good afternoon! There is an additional field to the product with the Date type. What automatic action can be used to create a business process with...
5 replies
Nova mail "Doors-Warehouse" does not create automatic boxes
We have integration with NP here https://tradework.com.ua/admin/shop/integrations/novaposhta-integration-6/contro... This cabinet is used as part of...
7 replies
Bill to install 2 certificates
Hello, I would like to charge you for installing 2 regular domain and mobile certificates.