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Application Questions and Answers «CashFlow report»

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.03.2023, 17:32
Refinement. Please rate
Hello ! Please evaluate the improvement on the Cashflow report: Two fields with formulas where margin and balance difference are calculated (peri...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
16.11.2022, 08:13
Filter the Cashflow report by period
Hello! How can you filter the Cashflow report for the current month?
3 answer
Personal license
10.12.2021, 19:28
Cashflow MVP
when developing the Cashflow report, there are fields that you left for manual data entry: screen1 but the client needs to divide and fill them. p...
11 replies
29.11.2021, 11:34
Finalizing a variable for a report
In the final rows there is such a variable [totalfinance_category_XX] how much will it cost to finalize the same, but with reference to the wallet...
10 replies
03.11.2021, 13:35
OS: In the CashFlow application, all prohibited data is visible in the Permissions
Guys, we need to fix the CashFlow application. The situation is as follows: I closed access to accounts and payment categories for certain groups o...
Help me understand the CashFlow report
Can you please tell me what does "Return of Accountable Funds" mean? What categories of expenses can there be?
OS - CashFlow reports | category display
Now in the reports: CashFlow and CashFlow forecast, by default, the line "Uncategorized" is displayed https://rivcont.info/app/cashflowre...
1 answer
Refinement of the cashflow report
I look at an example https://onetos.org.ua/app/cashflowreport/?period=month&periodcount=1&ok=... D0...
5 replies
28.07.2021, 18:17
OS - CashFlow | Ability to view the current quarter / month / week / day
Based on the topic https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/reports-and-analytics/9706-os---cashflow/ and CashFlow application settings We do not have the...
3 answer
27.07.2021, 18:38
OS - CashFlow default filters
In CashFlow forecast, it is possible to customize the display of the filter by default: - period - number of periods We suggest making the same se...