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Finalizing a variable for a report

In the final rows there is such a variable

how much will it cost to finalize the same, but with reference to the wallet (account) and not the category? That is, to show a list of payments for wallets without reference to orders
Original question is available on version: ru


can you also suggest that it be separately
amount of incoming and outgoing payments ?
not just the total
29.11.2021, 16:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, you can. About an hour for one variable.
Do you need exactly the sum of outgoing/incoming or the sum of outgoing/incoming with category/account XX? This is a different number of variables.
29.11.2021, 16:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

Kruts Alexey Igorevich
top service wrote:
In the final rows there is such a variable

how much will it cost to finalize the same, but with reference to the wallet (account) and not the category? That is, to show a list of payments for wallets without reference to orders

Alexey, if you are asking to solve this problem https://1b.app/ru/support/reports-and-analytics/12016-otchet-po-koshelkam-kak-po... then I think it’s better to finalize in "Payments and cash register" setting to display + 2 lines: Incoming payments, Outgoing payments
This would be better and more practical than counting it in process total row variables.
29.11.2021, 16:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Need 3 variables in total rows
1. XXX wallet balance without being tied to processes
2. Number of incoming payments on the XXX wallet without reference to processes
3. Number of outgoing payments on the XXX wallet without reference to processes
It is necessary that they be filtered by the payment creation date in the payment block filter

The purpose of these improvements is to make the format report as simple as possible.
"Wallet | current balance | incoming amount | outgoing amount"
with the ability to filter for any period.
How many hours is it?
06.12.2021, 14:27
Original comment available on version: ru

These three variables can be made in 3 hours. As far as I can see, the variable with totalfinance has no binding to processes. Those. if you can do what you want with it now, then you can do it with new variables.
06.12.2021, 16:35
Original comment available on version: ru

There should be 8 hours of improvements on the balance sheet. Run this 3-variable revision to work, please
07.12.2021, 10:04
Original comment available on version: ru

took to work, when it is ready - we will write in this topic
07.12.2021, 10:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Haven't done it yet?
16.12.2021, 16:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. Uploaded to the box onetos.org.ua
totalfinance_sumaccountwithoutorder_XX The amount of payments without being tied to processes for the account with id XX',
totalfinance_couninaccounttwithoutorder_XX 'Number of incoming payments without being tied to processes by account with id XX',
totalfinance_countoutaccountwithoutorder_XX 'Number of outgoing payments without being tied to processes by account with id XX'
20.12.2021, 14:07
Original comment available on version: ru

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