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Application Questions and Answers «Calendar»

4 answer
06.07.2021, 19:17
Processes of all subordinate employees are not displayed simultaneously in
Hello! I can't understand why on the "My Processes" tab, when I select two employees (Responsible), I am shown the processes of only ...
17 replies
23.06.2021, 13:17
All processes are not shown in the Locked Calendar
The tab next to the menu - My processes - Processes with the calendar - is all good, displays all the processes, scrolls down and you can see the m...
7 replies
10.06.2021, 16:03
Calculation of completion by block
Good afternoon! Please calculate the revision: in the "Interface in the calendar" settings for the "Show in the calendar" field...
1 answer
28.04.2021, 11:57
Display in the calendar by owner with condition or
For example There is an order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1954652/edit/ He has a responsible system field, there...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
15.04.2021, 19:07
displays the name of the confidential process to the person who did not create it
please correct the mistake. the tooltip displays the name of the confidential process . Noticed when displaying processes with a calendar for a month
4 answer
The calendar has this functionality It can be seen that the process was scheduled, but the current date is greater than the planning date (or the ...
3 answer
24.03.2021, 16:08
When creating a user, the field is not displayed correctly
There is a setting for the user creation interface https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/selectwindow/user/interface/ there is a field "date of ...
7 replies
08.03.2021, 14:14
Refinement of the action ""Integration of XML products (Export)"
Good afternoon! Previously, we finalized the action in automation (task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices/6695-ne-rabotaet-dey...
12 replies
25.02.2021, 14:36
Vidkriti process
Good day. The process was shut down by the milk, I can’t vodkriti nі mass dієyu, nі dієyu at the stage. https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/admin/cust...
3 answer
25.02.2021, 09:29
Action id
Good afternoon. Tell me, what is the functionality of the action Mark the process as processed. What influences and what changes? Thanks