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Application Questions and Answers «Automation for contacts»

4 answer
05.01.2021, 10:46
List of contacts
Can you tell me how to enter the "Group" field in the list of contacts?
7 replies
23.12.2020, 15:31
Can you please tell me why it is not possible to drag this process on the automation page - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/m...
3 answer
12.12.2020, 12:03
Not working Check for the presence of a phone number in the comments and merge the process client with an existing contact
Diya write down the phone number from the comments on the contact card correctly. If you already have a double contact in the system, then do not c...
20 replies
08.12.2020, 16:41
who can access the extra field
Hello, please tell me how to see to whom the additional field is available, and to whom it is not available ...
4 answer
Sending a file to telegram
There is an auth. step action: "Send a Telegram message" There is an item "Send process files" https://prnt.sc/vya40z I turned ...