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Application Questions and Answers «Automation for contacts»

8 replies
Contact automation not working
Contact automation does not work when automating once an hour. The action once an hour updates the group to the client, but the automation for con...
1 answer
27.07.2021, 09:59
Contacts are not linked to outgoing calls
Good afternoon. There is a problem on https://box.transmarket.ua, when outgoing calls contacts are not tied to the event, as a result, actions do n...
No action is added in automation for contacts
I add an action in automation for contacts https://anastasiiaostest.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization-user/update/edit/, but most of them are not a...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.07.2021, 10:20
Automation does not work: A contact was found with which there was no communication for more than N days
Good afternoon, In automatic actions once a minute, the action "A contact was detected with which there was no communication for more than N d...
4 answer
30.03.2021, 15:14
Automation when creating a contact card works when saving a contact card
Hello. Faced the following bug: for some reason, automating actions when CREATING a contact card works like automating actions when SAVE in a conta...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.03.2021, 17:31
Training for OneBox users by Max Miroshnichenko ;)
Max, I turn to you with a public offer, to increase the number of satisfied OneBoxes user entrepreneurs. I have a training course in my asset, whic...
5 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
10.03.2021, 16:38
Call for new clients
Є in the Standard box, work on calling for new clients? How much was sold during the period? Otherwise, if only, the fact of the presence of a wick...
16 replies
Тзов Екомора
16.02.2021, 13:52
Incorrect robot frail crown
With constant monitoring of the krona, it is clear that the replacement of 1-2 quills in vіdpratsovuє once: from 30 hb to 3 years. It came to our a...
11 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 17:22
Temporary Roles
We need functionality to assign positions to employees for a certain time, for example, until 02/25/21 and after that, the access rights of the rol...
7 replies
18.01.2021, 10:51
Contact filter pardon
Good day. Contact filters cannot vibrate more than 10 groups. When choosing 11 groups, the party sees a pardon. Correct, be kind.