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Application Questions and Answers «OneBox Shop»

7 replies
21.10.2021, 09:48
Adding Options-characteristics of goods to the Product Card
Tell me how to add, change, generally configure the fields in the section with the parameters (=properties, =options) of the product? Fields that a...
12 replies
01.10.2021, 09:19
CRM One Box not working - error 500
Good afternoon, CRM is not working - error 500
2 answer
11.09.2021, 22:21
OneBox upgrade from Green Revolution to MVP and then to OS
Upgrade OneBox https://icold.pro/ from Green-Revolution version to MVP version and then to OS.
4 answer
26.08.2021, 16:16
Showing products on the main page and an incomplete list of categories
Kind! I ran into two issues while working with the site on OneBox. 1. Is it possible to show specific products on the main page? 2. In total, we ha...
Good day . The number category on the site is empty.all subcategories without products. Let me tell you how to find goods and where the stench aros...
1 answer
10.08.2021, 14:09
Update on MVP
Good afternoon! an upgrade to the MVP version is required. boxing link: https://sweetanok.kiev.ua/
4 answer
SSL certificate
The SSL certificate has run out, you need to install a new one. The certificate is already there. Please help.
1 answer
30.07.2021, 18:44
IM Template
Good day, can I buy a template for an online store from you at once? І for skils?
Choosing a Tariff for switching to rent
I ask you to give recommendations on the choice of the Tariff for the transition of the client's box from the box to the cloud Boxing rtb.net.u...
Search box not working properly
24vet.com.ua The search does not work correctly when searching for processes. Some of the processes are looking for, some of the processes show &qu...