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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
06.01.2021, 11:52
Comments feed: Telegram
Help me understand why we have two cells with tokens in the telegram chat: https://prnt.sc/whe7k0 Why is this needed?
2 answer
06.01.2021, 10:29
Editing/deleting a product review
Good afternoon! The client left a review about the product, he did not like that his name appeared in the review. I changed the variable and now on...
2015717655 - Improved /api/orders/get/ method
For the /api/orders/get/ method, the customfilelink=1 parameter has been added, which allows you to receive a link to download the file in response.
2015717362 - Improved the functionality of the "Products table" block
In the "Products by table" block, the setting "Hide the block when there is no information filled in" has been added. The setti...
Good day! I will sell 1 license for 10 users in a boxed version. The license has an unlimited expiration date. Details dimapchelnikov@gmail.com
Finish the revision
according to the task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/interface/4443-otsenite-dorabotku---otobrazhen... ...
3 answer
05.01.2021, 16:08
Copy comments
What is the duty to put on the cob stage of the process in order to save all the comments from the Batkiv process in the new?
3 answer
05.01.2021, 16:01
low-quality magnifier or problems with the photo
Good afternoon! Another problem is observed: 1. When hovering a magnifying glass, it is hard to see the picture on the T-shirt, what size and quali...
3 answer
05.01.2021, 15:46
New mail Create TTN return delivery Nova Poshta
Onebox - CampShop When switching to the Return Parcel stage, a waybill must be created using the action Create waybill for return delivery Nova Pos...
6 replies
05.01.2021, 15:15
Add variables to product description
Hello! Please evaluate the improvement for the "Description" block in the product card. What is the idea and the need: I work with differ...