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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

10 replies
25.05.2021, 16:50
Show stock balance on date
There are stocks in the warehouse Here it is possible to filter the Balance for the period, example https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/storage/bala...
Ukrposhta. Auto return settings.
Hello. Ukrposhta has auto-return options: 1. turn after the save term 2.turn in 7 calendar days 3. look at how the manager is, how the manager is g...
13 replies
25.05.2021, 13:04
Commas when uploading a report in xls
We made such a report https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/designer/4/view/ Click upload to xls In the table, the product has a price of 27...
1 answer
25.05.2021, 13:04
evaluate the refinement
you can estimate the cost and time of completion: Add a field so that without going to the personal account of the new mail, indicate the return de...
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.05.2021, 12:24
Distribution of payments received on the Bank's card
Good afternoon, We set up the action "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" for receiving card transactions (clients swipe to a...
9 replies
25.05.2021, 11:18
Deleting Product Passports Bypassing Checks
Hello. Can you please tell me how to delete product passports in bulk and one by one, while bypassing product/project link checks? We got used to t...
1 answer
25.05.2021, 11:17
Product availability in the product search block
There is a report https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/desiner/23/view/?datefrom=2021-04-2...
1 answer
Will there be an ERP update in the new OneBox?
1. In the new box, will the functionality be improved - in warehouses, balances for a certain date or period of all items. (1 supplier or multiple ...
2 answer
25.05.2021, 09:27
Onebox not working
When entering OneBox - trailer.crm-onebox.com, a white screen and the page does not load, the server is available, it works correctly.
2015799999 - Improved the action of sending a letter when changing the responsible
Added a new BP action "Send a notification to the author when the owner is changed in the process".