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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
Displays the presence of the product, although it is not
Have a product http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/shop/products/23751/edit/ There are warehouses http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/shop/storage/settings/names/ ...
2 answer
Personal license
09.07.2021, 16:46
Issues with redistribution
Already posted here before https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/9278-nevernaya-logika-raboti-korzin-pri-... But the topic was left ...
3 answer
09.07.2021, 16:15
Need a list of IP addresses
Our security service needs the IP addresses of the OneBox mail servers with which the exchange of letters takes place, for the exchange settings
Server requirements for unloading the client box
The client has a boxed box for 7 users. What server is needed to unload the box. Please indicate the required server configuration, optimal with a ...
22 answer
09.07.2021, 15:20
Evaluate the functionality of the product image
It is necessary to increase the ability to change the quality (order) of additional images of goods. Also, as the blackness was changed, then when ...
Stopped receiving messages from fb messenger
Messages from the FB messenger stopped coming to the "Single Chat" of the vanbox. https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/messenger-cha...
6 replies
500 Internal Server Error
Does not allow access to the admin panel domovoy.kr.ua
1 answer
09.07.2021, 14:42
Turn a letter into a process
Is it possible to place an order on the basis of a letter. Let's say a letter arrives with a heading - an order has been placed and the outcome...
3 answer
09.07.2021, 14:36
The action Calculate and write the value to the additional field does not work if the conditions are met
There is an action https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/156/action/new/ It is configured to check the value of the additional...
4 answer
OS - improvement on the action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field" in automation for products
In the application /app/automatization-products/update/edit/ Automation for products has an action "Calculate the value according to the formu...