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OneBox user forum

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It throws an error and it is not possible to transfer orders in bulk
Here is an example order (Figure 1) https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/315408/ Вот список заказов https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-...
8 replies
28.10.2021, 11:47
I will become rachunkiv
How can you show in the business process the ranks of rakhunkiv according to their legal entities, according to the type of "Financial statist...
Activate the application "Template23"
I'm re-creating a topic, because I was told that the previous one fell into the wrong department. I need to activate the previously purchased a...
not all payments are delayed in BOX
Good afternoon. Regularly not all payments get into the BOX. for example, 12 payments were not delayed in 4 working days from patterns: these are 2...
The discount for sets in CRM is not transferred (when creating an order) [Opencart]
Have a product https://artkopilka.net.ua/markery/markery-nabory/markery-touchfive-nabory/nabor-... There will be ...
2015862690 - Added a setting to the action "Notify that the values of additional fields have changed"
For the action "Notify that the values of additional fields have changed", the setting "Instead of a notification in the process, le...
2015864445 - Improved import of orders from OpenCart
For actions: 1. Change process step in OpenCart 2. Switch stage if process stage in Opencart has changed added settings that allow you to search fo...
2015863759 - Improved functionality of additional finance fields
For additional fields added to the finance field type "link". On the main page "Payments and cash desk" and on the payment edit...
5 replies
27.10.2021, 21:29
Hvilinny kroner hung.
Hvilinny kroner hung. Prohannya restart on https://box.esmile.com.ua
15 replies
27.10.2021, 18:16
Bugs in the mobile version of the online store
In the mobile version of the site in the filters, you need to change the name of the filter from "Available" to the Ukrainian version of ...