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OneBox user forum

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Incorrectly opening the contact's order list
Here is the contact https://akmp.com.ua/app/contact/3114/ By clicking here Opens all open orders
there is no way to remove the message from the queue for sending
Right here https://akmp.com.ua/app/report/massemailsend/ Previously, it was possible to select and deselect selected emails from sending but now y...
2 answer
18.06.2022, 10:13
Hard to scroll through process lists in PWA
It is not convenient to scroll in the mobile. CRM versions. Shown on video. Here https://ysbeauty.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sdelki/ - select the disp...
10 replies
Doesn't let me open the report.
Here is the report http://box.os.generator.ua/app/report/designer/7/view/ There is something like this in the settings. but the report still hangs...
3 answer
17.06.2022, 14:50
Why is the product not added from the email?
Action "Turn email into a process" Why is the product not added from the email? Here are the settings For the test, I created additional...
1 answer
We are testing the OS, after the transfer, different contacts are displayed for the same processes
Here are some examples of what's wrong http://box.os.generator.ua/152089/ https://box.generator.ua/admin/customorder/order/152089/edit/
8 replies
site improvements were not transferred to the OS
Here in the old version we had such a setting Only in the new version We need all the improvements that were made on the Mvp, this was done befor...
1 answer
Changed the logic of the events after the transition to the new version
In the old version it was possible to see my events When opening, only mine were displayed (by default), and then you could select all In the new ...
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:08
Choosing a setting in automation for products (Evaluate refinement)
Here in action in automation there are such settings I need to set the quantity from I could specify from add. fields, since this is unique for ea...
2 answer
17.06.2022, 13:07
Actions crash in "Automation for Products"
For some reason, the settings themselves fly into actions https://youtu.be/GpABIimy67I You have to constantly refill.