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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
27.06.2022, 11:14
Unified OneBox ID authorization system
Dear clients and partners! We are gradually moving to a single authorization system on the site, in boxes and other products based on OneBox. This ...
OneBox ID unified authorization system
Dear customers and partners! We are gradually moving to a single authorization system on the website, boxes and other products based on OneBox. Thi...
2015902912 - Added functionality for "Import processes from CS-Cart"
For the "Import processes from CS-Cart" section, the ability to set the locking method has been added, and the name cscart is added below...
2015902798 - Extended API
In the API, the ability to import TTN for another IR register from a merchant has been added. Changes: novaposhtattnprint and novaposhtasheet
2015902633 - Added fields to the dialog "Copy the field value from the Batkiv process or into the process values"
The following fields were added to the "Copy field value from the Batkiv process or to the process value" dialog: [costs] - Additional vi...
2015902627 - Added change document templates
To customize the template, the following change was added to the documents: {|$orderproduct_custom_PROCESSPRODUCTADFIELD KEY|}.
2015902992 - Added import of goods from Magenta
For the import of goods from Magenta, the multi-setting "way for the type" - "for the record field" is added, which allows you ...
10 replies
The product price is not correct for export
E ed. once in a while: "Export processes to Google spreadsheets" It has the "Process product price" field - This field exports...
2 answer
Incorrect price in the global list of processes
In the global list of processes, the field "Product" will show the name of the product and its price. Ale price is shown without reductio...
4 answer
25.06.2022, 19:14
Do not write off pennies from the balance
Good day. In me, I don’t want to write off pennies from the balance sheet, but the CPM blew it. Hocha koshti for a rahunka є. How fast can you fini...