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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
17.01.2022, 16:48
Report table of sales by orders
It is necessary to configure the sales table report on orders . The report correctly filters by supplier if the supplier is specified in the produ...
3 answer
17.01.2022, 15:50
Do not practice before achieving integration
They stopped practicing all the earlier, they made integration, and they did practice boxing: https://brewelit.1b.app/. Viber (recommend to come, i...
1 answer
17.01.2022, 15:09
contact card not opening
I can't enter the contact card https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/users/11856/ Please check why?
1 answer
17.01.2022, 13:16
Issue access
info@yakimasport.net I ask you to create and send access to the forum to this mail
8 replies
17.01.2022, 12:56
The page is not available
Customer can't login to their OneBox Please help me in this matter https://viles.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/
1 answer
17.01.2022, 12:47
Incorrect sum of the process from prom
The action PromUA / Import orders to OneBox created an order https://box.vals.net.ua/admin/customorder/order/33314/edit/ In it, the sum of the proc...
1 answer
17.01.2022, 11:57
More in stock than in stock
We are constantly faced with situations where there are 5 pieces in stock and 7 in reserve Examples https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/shop/products/6215...
3 answer
Tilda integration - how to move the process to the right stage?
Orders come from Tilda, we have one BP for orders. But in the case of Prom, Rozetka - we have the opportunity to accept the BP at the desired stage...
1 answer
17.01.2022, 11:41
Updated order from opencart
Order https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/lead/1052182/edit/ It was held back in 2021, in January, and it closed a year ago. I look at the h...
Variable access
How to access customorder_fiskalniychek4 variable through public function ...() procedure in XShopOrder.class.php file