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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
23.02.2022, 11:13
Hide outgoing payments.
Good afternoon. Uploading payments from monobank\privatbank to onebox, how to hide outgoing payments and make it so that only incoming payments are...
1 answer
23.02.2022, 11:07
Sending messages from the VIBER business page does not work
Good afternoon, sending viber messages through the send Viber\Sms action has stopped working.
2 answer
23.02.2022, 10:24
Additional contact fields
Good afternoon, please tell me how to find the name of the variable of additional fields? The task is to send the contents of these additional fiel...
1 answer
23.02.2022, 09:04
Improvement of the "Integrate XML Products (Export)" action
Good afternoon! The automation action needs to be improved so that goods in different warehouses are unloaded with the same external ID. Is it poss...
3 answer
22.02.2022, 14:01
Interface Block Consultation Subprocess Block
In the block of the interface Block of subprocesses, it is possible to display products and their fields But by default, such fields as Name, Quan...
1 answer
22.02.2022, 13:27
Vendor price not loading
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/supplier/import/ Choose iherb supplier, price file in attachment Click download and gives an error could not recognize t...
1 answer
Stopped working today : PROM stopped uploading orders to ONEBOX today
Orders are received via ▶Automatic actions once per minute ▶▶PromUA / Import orders from XML But somewhere since 8 am today, orders have stopped be...
1 answer
Not sending email via Unisender
box https://exampleos.1box.link/ https://exampleos.1box.link/app/unisender/settings/ The integration with Unisender is set up and in the integratio...
3 answer
22.02.2022, 10:10
Payments are not received in OneBox by private
Good afternoon, after our OneBox was unavailable wrote about it separately on the forum (https://1b.app/ru/forum/server-installation/13204-boks-ne-...
5 replies
Can we improve the settings in the mass mailing application?
When sending a letter from Thunderbird - you can set the "read receipt notification" setting. Thus, if a person has read, a technical let...