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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015941433 - Added multilingual support
In the improved editing of categories, the product was given the ability to display the name of the category at once on decal moves.
2015941435 - Updated in the "Integration of contacts in XML (Export)" section
For the "Integration of XML Contacts (Export)" task, the ability to view only those contacts from the file, which were changed over the p...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.10.2022, 12:52
How to build a universal business process
Friends, good day hello About 16:00 this year, the session of the 8th initial workshop at the Main Processes begins. There will be a recording of t...
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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
05.10.2022, 11:07
What is the benefit of OneBox business processes and related issues
Good day. Hello Let's get to know each other - here https://t.me/crmibp/1400 briefly about me. We are from Ukraine! A small plan for talking ab...
0 replies
Personal license
04.10.2022, 18:18
Diia "Export products in YML format" does not load the current fields and change the filters to the specified mov
Good day. Implemented "Export products in YML format" for Prom. In the "Language in which to upload products" field, the mov ua...
Transfer funds between users and donate on the forum (p2p transfers)
Dear users and partners! On the forum, it became possible to pay directly within the topic within a specific comment. These are so-called donations...
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Друкарня "Друкарик"
02.10.2022, 17:06
when you add the goods to the box, you don’t get to the new one, but to the old one
If you create a new pledge, then when you add the goods to the box, you don’t get to the new one, but to the old one, from which the “make a pledge...
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MVP licenses for sale
I will sell 3 MVP licenses. The price is negotiable
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Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2022, 11:20
Variable "total discount by process"
Hello! Please tell me the variable "total discount for the process" and is it possible to copy it in the additional field?
0 replies
30.09.2022, 10:54
Addresses stopped loading from okopa
Customized Import Processes with OKop action Addresses stopped loading yesterday afternoon when importing orders from okopa An example of a fresh o...