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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
07.09.2020, 11:42
Can't login to CRM
Good afternoon. Changed IP on the server, CRM became unavailable
3 answer
Document number from the desired number
Hello! Please tell me how to make The document number documentNumber started with the number we wanted. For example, with 100, i.e. 101, 102, 103 ....
5 replies
07.09.2020, 10:05
Product SEO settings are overwritten when synchronizing with Opencart
Hello. Every hour, products are updated on opencart, and each time the product's SEO settings are deleted. How to turn it off? It is necessary ...
1 answer
07.09.2020, 09:14
Error 500
Suddenly, the system, when trying to log into any account in the cloud, gives a meaningless error 500.
3 answer
Vanbox not working
It says "Unfortunately, an unexpected error has occurred in the system. Please contact technical support. CRM system Video manual OneBox"
5 replies
Integration with DC Link / Brain / ERC / others
the situation is like this: - we have product cards on the site (we create them without turn through the site and the stench is poured at the box. ...
9 replies
06.09.2020, 14:28
Correctness of import - export of product characteristics from prom
Prom in the unloading has such entities "Name_Characteristics" (for example, volume), "Measurement_Characteristics" (for exampl...
4 answer
06.09.2020, 14:16
Not all stages are selected
Until the last update, by default, only the Business Process without stages was selected in the process filter. After the update, both the process ...
2 answer
Personal license
06.09.2020, 12:44
How to upload leads from Facebook forms to Onebox
Hello. There is a need to receive leads from Facebook forms in the box. Found your 2019 integration video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKqIvDZyb...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.09.2020, 18:50
Millions of product prices after price recalculation by the system
Good afternoon, I ran into the problem of the mythical recalculation of prices for goods, the system automatically changes the supplier's purch...