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OneBox user forum

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4 answer
22.09.2020, 21:35
XML file for Google Shopping Merchant Center
The action XML Product Integration (Export) was configured and an xml file with attributes was created under the Google Shopping Merchant Center ac...
5 replies
Ukrainian language
Good afternoon! I ask you to pay attention to the quality of the translation of boxing into "nightingale". And then one gets the impressi...
2015638325 - Improved action "Send price list every hour/day"
For automatic action once per hour "Send price list every hour/day" added "Settings for editing a file from a template" If the ...
payment within the process stopped getting into the wallet
In progress https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/207/action/new/ at the time of payment (buttons "paid by cash" ...
6 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
22.09.2020, 18:38
It is necessary before the transition to the first stage of the BP that it was necessary to confirm the transition to the second stage
Trying to write $j (function ( ) { $j ('.js-procedure-165').on ('click',function ( ) { return confirm(' Hello?' ) ; }); });...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 18:30
Bug after the update, it is impossible to download the price
Bug after the update, it is impossible to download the price https://prnt.sc/ulwelu did not change anything in the settings, the fields are marked ...
11 replies
22.09.2020, 17:49
Auto action and email action work differently
Option 1: - Go to "events" - Choose a process - click "Turn into a process" - the letter was added to the process as a comment,...
3 answer
Add hundredths of .00 to prices in documents
Please tell me how to display numbers with hundredths .00 in documents There is a setting in business process tables, but I did not find it for doc...
4 answer
22.09.2020, 17:21
integration with opendatabot
axis є video integration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvMh78h_BA&t=3s but in the Market there is no https://prnt.sc/uluyxm
14 replies
22.09.2020, 17:19
Access rights
Good afternoon! According to the access rights https://prnt.sc/ulusik, the manager does not have access to the ordered products and Excel download....