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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

11 replies
api integration with vk
integration of our box with VK http://box.labirint96.ru/ is required when accessing a message in a group, creating a BP in our box
upgrade to mvp
please update http://box.labirint96.ru/
4 answer
complete the action of closing the current shift in the checkbox
action needs to be completed on this error, you need to move to another stage. http://prntscr.com/uycn2k
2015656803 - Output of the field “Quantity in stock”
For the Products list page, the setting “Reserved in stock” has been added For the “Products by table” block of the BP interface, the setting “Quan...
2 answer
13.10.2020, 12:40
Good afternoon. Please update onebox. Or tell me please what is needed for this?
4 answer
When creating a BP from a letter, the file is not attached
Good afternoon! The action in the automation "Turn a letter into a process" is configured and when creating a BP from a letter (with a fi...
Item products in the mobile version
Hello, you need to hide the line "Product prices" during the order. I can't find this item in the settings. And also help to deal wit...
When issuing a ttn, a new mail pardon In order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/971649/edit/ Selected company (Contractor) https://prnt....
8 replies
13.10.2020, 10:52
prodovzhennya dії certificate
I want to continue my certificate. Ale without your help do not go out. our crm: https://siydobro.crm-onebox.com/cc/?dashboardView=cc tse those tha...
8 replies
13.10.2020, 10:45
SSL certificate
Good afternoon. It is necessary to renew the certificate for the box.vipos.ua domain, what is needed for this?