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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Wrong return logic
Wrong return logic in order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/972443/edit/ spent 2 items back Amount with a lower 545.20 -274.48= 267.72 ...
2015670047 - Added setting to "Import data from ERC provider" action
For the automatic action once per hour "Import data from an ERC supplier", the setting "Select ERC warehouses. If warehouses are sel...
9 replies
28.10.2020, 15:26
Justin integration setup
Can you please tell me how to set up integration with Justin? It is necessary to track track numbers (main) and create en (secondary). In the integ...
Files for OpenCart Integration
Kind. How can I get the files for box integration with opencart site version 3+ ?
1 answer
28.10.2020, 14:45
system update
Please update the OneBox system http://box.gsi-sport.com.ua/
12 replies
28.10.2020, 14:26
Category output about search
https://prnt.sc/v8mqyg In many places there is a problem with searching in categories. Please add the output of the parent to the value you are loo...
4 answer
28.10.2020, 14:11
Bug with integration or automation
Good afternoon! Some glitch or bug has occurred. The client placed an order on Rozetka and after a couple of minutes the same client canceled it. I...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
28.10.2020, 11:50
Communication through a special office
The manager sends a comment to the client from the appointment - the client instantly takes it in the office. If the client sends a comment from th...
1 answer
28.10.2020, 11:38
Missing "Add Documents" button
Good afternoon. We are getting acquainted with the system and we cannot add a document, due to the absence of the corresponding "button"....
1 answer
Tilda integration catches other people's orders!
Good afternoon. For several months now, we have been unable to get rid of other people's garbage in processes: through Webhook, our Tilda integ...