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Doesn't load lineup

There is an import action
The lineup field should contain the name
(the site where we ship from, does this, in the model tag - writes the name of the product, and in the name tag - the general name of the model)
But this field is not filled, what could be the reason?
Despite the fact that if you manually fill in this field in the product, everything works fine, if you load it through an excel file - ok, but through this action, nothing happens.
What could it be ?
You can take any product as an example, since the name tag is filled in for everyone
Original question is available on version: ru


The model range is not loaded by the "Universal Product Import (xml/json)" action.
"Model range (series, collection)" is affixed during import only to products that are split by the action itself into model ranges when the "Split products by model range (based on filter duplication)" checkbox is enabled. When importing regular products, only the Model is networked if it exists.
https://box.webproduction.ua/admin/customorder/issue/2015587889/edit/ (in comments)
09.11.2020, 20:37
Original comment available on version: ru

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