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OneBox user forum

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8 replies
16.11.2020, 10:44
Evaluate edits by personal account
On the example of the application https://crm.tcc.com.ua/client/order/1401277/ By clicking on the Get Documents button https://prnt.sc/vi033l It is...
1 answer
16.11.2020, 10:43
Refinement of the action Calculate and write a value to an additional field
There is an action Calculate and write a value to an additional field It has the ability to calculate the amount of incoming / outgoing payments by...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 10:41
Action not working
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/117848/edit/ at the stage http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/sh...
7 replies
Друкарня "Друкарик"
16.11.2020, 10:31
When will there be a video or instructions for integrating with Checkbox? Tsya topic did help https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integration-with-on...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 10:26
Improvement of the /api/payment/add/ method
The system has the ability to create additional fields for payments https://prnt.sc/vjvzmf It is necessary to add the ability to pass an additional...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 09:46
Facebook integration stopped working
how to see the error why leads are not being pulled? ready to pay if promptly adjust ... box.fialan.com
6 replies
Payments in personal account_Closing the payment window
At the time of the client's payment from the personal account - the following processes are created - https://crm.ohholding.com.ua/admin/custo...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 09:22
We can't return the item
There is a problem specifically with this article, others practically do not occur. Here is the order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorde...
2015682941 - Added automatic action "Delete supplier price list download history"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Delete supplier price list download history". In the action settings it is possible to set how m...
4 answer
16.11.2020, 08:46
how to use variable
In what format should the value be copied from the knowledge base so that it can then be used in the action http://joxi.ru/4AkK0gZTkqZLyA, if simp...