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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015694048 - Table of payment amounts and number of processes in the specified statuses by employees
For the "table of payment amounts and number of processes in the specified statuses by employees" block, the ability to use variables has...
1 answer
Email calendar task list
You need the ability to automatically send a letter to the mail at a specified time to selected employees of the company. Which will contain links ...
2015693423 - Added the ability to filter processes by product category
Added process filter "Product category in progress". In the settings, you can set the maximum level of the product category for output
2015694971 - Improved the action "Record the availability of materials in the additional field of the produced product"
For the product automation action on save "Record availability of materials in the additional field of the produced product", the ability...
1 answer
Flew integration with Horosop.
Since 1:11 no order has been synced with onebox. What could be the reason?
2015694841 - Improved action "Submit business process to API"
Added settings for the BP action "Submit business process to API": - remove all products from the process before updating/adding products...
2015691569 - Added settings to the "Disconnected contact detected" action
For the automatic action once a day "Disconnected contact detected" settings have been added: - Create a daily process; - Check only the ...
1 answer
30.11.2020, 15:19
again a negative balance in the warehouse (
Here is the order when you go to "ready to ship" get error https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/roznitsa/177909/edit/ I also a...
12 replies
30.11.2020, 15:02
Unable to create TTN UkrPoshta
03049, Kiev, ave. Povitroflotskiy, 11 Here is an example of an address, entered according to the template specified in the tooltip, quite often it ...
3 answer
Evaluate Process Address Selection Refinement
We have the ability to display processes on the map It is necessary to evaluate the refinement so that I can indicate the address on the map (for ...