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2015697306 - Improved integration with viber

In the viber integration settings, a checkbox has been added "When a user first contacts viber, first search for a contact by the value of the transmitted context in the user id field in OneBox".
Works like this:
- if the value in the "context" field is set, this is a number, and it was possible to find a contact in OneBox using it, then such a contact will become a client of the process. A new contact is not created.
- if the value of the parameter is not set or the contact could not be found by it, then a new contact will be created, as before
Original question is available on version: ru


context - all fields Name Name of the contact, how do you send Viber that the data is entered, right?
15.12.2020, 12:57
Original comment available on version: ru

integrator wrote:
context - all fields Name Name of the contact, how do you send Viber that the data is entered, right?

this is a field in which a numeric value id can be entered
21.01.2021, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

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