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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
30.01.2020, 22:47
The type of numerical variables in the letter is just a shame!!!
Variables with numbers in the letter: {|$discountSum|} {|$ordersumbase|} {|$deliveryPrice|} {|$ordersum|} have a different number of decimal places...
Distribution of licenses between departments
License Distribution Options for users: Allocate a certain number of licenses to users of a particular department so that these licenses are not ta...
4 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
28.01.2020, 09:31
Remove configuration reload after file upload
Now, when loading processes from a file, if we specify the supplier and BP - https://prnt.sc/qtuuqr, then when the file preview is loaded, the conf...
1 answer
Error description not displayed
Here https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/myorders/lead/ I add and get an incomprehensible error https://prnt.sc/qrur2g It gives an error becaus...
1 answer
21.01.2020, 11:10
It is necessary to make it not escape or save without these characters, or somewhere to display a notification that such a character is prohibited (for example, when saving)
https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/admin/ Now, if in the directory if the field contains a value with the symbol "" , when searching, Ajax ...
Product photo that changes when you hover over
Consumption of research on the site in the catalog with goods How to do it again: When you hover over the photo, another photo of the product is di...
1 answer
09.01.2020, 10:03
Ukrposhta unprepared
Add the ability to take off the payment without preparation for the rahunok for yuroshib. https://dev.ukrposhta.ua/uploads/API-documentation-201220...
Integration with Nova Poshta
When integrating with np, data about the type of street (street, alley, etc.) is not transferred to the box need to do: - display the type of stree...
Accounting for time in the system
Please make a working time counter analog universal unit Parent process name Name of the current business process real time counter online hour:min...
In the knowledge base, make the division possible to edit records
Now in the knowledge base of an employee, when editing is enabled, he can edit all records, please make the separation of rights by roles, which ro...