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The task is re-created, but the corresponding setting is disabled


Checking whether such a process has been created occurs in 2 fields:
1. Sub-process name
2. Status of the current process
Those. if you called the action 2 times at one stage (with the same settings, the name of the subprocess being created), then the second one would not be created. Since the actions were called at different stages, 2 subprocesses are created and this is correct. This is done so that when you go through the same stage again, you do not create the same process twice. In your case, you need to leave the action only at one stage.
31.08.2020, 13:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Is there a setting so that the subprocess is not created, if it exists?
31.08.2020, 14:35
Original comment available on version: ru

No, there is no such setting currently.
31.08.2020, 15:22
Original comment available on version: ru

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