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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
Personal license
02.10.2020, 12:13
Yesterday Onebox lay down, after the restoration of work, incoming mail does not work
Yesterday, due to lack of memory, the supero.crm-onebox.com box stopped loading on the server. We increased the amount of memory, rebooted the serv...
6 replies
02.10.2020, 12:07
White font color stages on a dark background
Please change the font color on the buttons to White with a dark background, as here http://joxi.ru/zANMJlMIj1okp2 Now, for the sake of readability...
12 replies
02.10.2020, 12:00
Palette not showing in process designer
http://joxi.ru/Vm6KLWKsv35Jg2 https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/shop/workflow/45/constructor/
2 answer
02.10.2020, 11:32
There is NO possibility to sell goods from the warehouse (
There is an order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/141920/edit/ It is reserved - everything is ok. They added a new product i...
New Mail
Tell me where to look for the place marked with a cross. New mail gives an error “The volumetric weight exceeds the limit. In the recipient's d...
3 answer
02.10.2020, 11:16
The employee does not see this item in the orders section - https://prnt.sc/urqkjp How to do it? Access rights to "orders" are set to 100%
7 replies
02.10.2020, 11:13
My events
Gave employee access to "My events" - https://prnt.sc/urqihf 30 minutes ago, but it still does not show this menu item What could be the ...
2 answer
Администратор проектов
02.10.2020, 11:07
The mechanism of working with documents in the system
Where can I find a detailed description of working with files in the MVP version system? Questions of particular interest: 1. How user access to fo...
16 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.10.2020, 10:57
Does not correctly display the status in the process (the list is different) and did not write off the goods, although the "type" moved to the stage
1. Here is the process https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/23224/edit/ Shows such nonsense https://prnt.sc/urq03m That is, according to the ...
5 replies
02.10.2020, 10:53
Filter by business process in the product card
There is a tab in the product card Processes https://prnt.sc/urq3z9 which displays the processes where this product is involved. Can I add a filter...