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OneBox user forum

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1 answer
28.11.2020, 21:38
Negative balance
Order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/issue/170300/edit/ when going to the stage, we get an error, please proceed https://prnt.sc/vr...
8 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
28.11.2020, 20:30
The process went to the same stage twice (in a row) and the system created 2 payments, while this should not happen
Here is the order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/28707/history/?filter2_key=valueold&a...
1 answer
Stopped ordering!!
Today, from 19.00, orders to the box with prom, good shop, outlet .... what happened?
13 replies
How can you transfer
You need to transfer this information to the order. https://prnt.sc/vrw9g6
6 replies
28.11.2020, 14:18
Bug. Automatic action does not work when saving a product card
The automatic action does not work when saving the product card to copy the supplier field into the product field https://prnt.sc/vrrncf here is th...
7 replies
28.11.2020, 14:00
Communication services in the header of the mobile version
I found the setting "Communication services in the header of the mobile version", and the input fields "Viber Link" "Teleg...
1 answer
27.11.2020, 22:26
Problems connecting to the license server
OneBox rybalkashop.com.ua The following inscription appeared: Problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator.
4 answer
27.11.2020, 18:37
moving to a large number of warehouses / rooms in one process
Clients are able to apply for moving goods in the process to a large number of warehouses/rooms tell me what is possible in principle? butt https:/...
5 replies
27.11.2020, 18:34
Estimate completion by bonuses (variables by quantity)
Now there is a directory of all variables https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/directory/variable/ but there are no variables for the number of bonus...
6 replies
27.11.2020, 18:31
The system is down!
Has been lying for several hours, work is paralyzed