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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
30.03.2021, 12:39
Availability of related products
We have a product that we sell at one price, and we have the same product only with decor (in two versions), which we make from the first product w...
10 replies
30.03.2021, 11:25
Date of last product update
Good afternoon! Client box: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/ Each product has a creation date: "Created Date (product.product_cdate)". Can you...
3 answer
30.03.2021, 11:07
Full name order when unloading in XML
In automatic actions, once an hour we use the action for unloading processes in xml, namely "Integration of XML business processes (Export)&qu...
3 answer
30.03.2021, 10:47
Delete an item that is out of stock
Hello. There are two boxes in which there are more than 100k products that are not available, I want to delete them, but in the usual way through s...
6 replies
Rate the "copy process products fields" refinement
i need to be able to write a value in the "price level" field of the process product that is, I have some extra. the field will be the I...
2015772994 - Added a setting to the "Create a process and copy selected products" block
In the "Create a process and copy the products of the selected processes into it" section of the bulk process changes panel, the checkbox...
2015773197 - Improved the functionality of combining processes through the bulk changes panel
Added setting "When merging, sum the values of identical additional fields" , which allows you to sum the value of numeric fields when me...
2015766258 - Improved the functionality of the report designer block "Template tables"
For the "Template Tables" report designer block, the ability to bulk clear the value of filters has been added: - add. process field; - s...
2 answer
29.03.2021, 22:07
Linking payment to the process (Privat24 Autoclient)
This type of comment: "LIQPAY ID 6547678445 SOID 93304 PBK i612312343..." Zovnishniy id zamovlennia tse "SOID 93304" How to pay...
10 replies
29.03.2021, 21:06
Generic product import (xml/json) - data import from xml for product block does not work - Suppliers
Boxing: https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ For the Generic Products Import (xml/json) action, the last setting is There is no t...