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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
09.04.2021, 14:41
Call statistics (Asterisk integration)
Good afternoon! We have configured a bunch of GSM-gateway + Asterisk. There are two sim cards, each assigned to managers with extension numbers 301...
6 replies
Integration with prom.ua
I ask you to set up the transfer via API from Proma of the value of the cell Amount of commission for a CPA order and Payment status for Prom payme...
1 answer
Integration with Horosop
Please evaluate the refinement of the upload, which allows you to select the value of the product fields in the system and transfer information to ...
1 answer
09.04.2021, 14:10
Do not display call window
http://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ In the contact card in the Settings tab there is such a setting It is written that it allows you to show incoming ...
3 answer
variable with customer's phone number {|$clientphone|}
There is a letter template in the box that is automatically sent to the buyer The email contains a variable with the customer's phone number {...
4 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2021, 09:35
how to match the language of boxing and OpenCart
connected integration with OpenCart, products were unloaded, but they are not displayed on the site. started to figure it out, realized that the re...
Incorrectly transmits the address of Ukrposhta from PROM
Created a test order for prom But boxing takes the address in reverse order (index at the end) Accordingly, TTN will not be created since the tem...
Export Prom.ua Export only filters-switches
This checkbox should only unload filter switches (according to the description) Loads everything in a row (the checkmark does not affect anything...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.04.2021, 22:11
Product price for the client via API
Good afternoon, tell me, how long will it take to refine the API to get the price of a product by id for a specific client, taking into account spe...
TTN Justin is always worth the overlay
With any changes in the settings when creating a TTN, Justin puts the "Payment Body" (overlay) try to create TTN without overlay https:/...